If Sigep 2014 was a record event, it was no less successful for Bread Art, the area organized and brought to life by Richemont Club Italia, which showed – in a 360° festival of bread – the excellence of the white art. A space measuring nearly a thousand square meters where modern kitchens produced a continuous cycle of bread, pizza, focaccia, leavened cakes and other artisan bakery specialties. Particular attention was given to typical regional fare: from Trentino Alto Adige there was a remarkable variety of breads, for example Pane delle Dolomiti, Pane di Molche, Pusterpaler and other breads made with figs, honey and rye. Also, a bread and apple pie and, among the sweet specialties there was a Torta di Grano Saraceno, Sfogliata with apples and marbled Brioche with pistachios and hazelnuts. From Tuscany there most definitely had to be Cecina, Pan di Salame, Schiacciata Fiorentina, Buccellato di Lucca, Berlingozzo di Lamporecchio, Brigidini and Torta Garfagnina. From Veneto almond Pandoro cakes with chestnut cream were appreciated. From Lombardy there were Pane alla canapa, Pan tramvai, Pane di Como and naturally leavened bread made with stoneground flour; from Emilia-Romagna there was a “QC” (Quality controlled bread); whilst from Piedmont there were breads with nuts, apples and cinnamon and Pane Barbaria, a typical bread of the region’s valleys. Puglia also exhibited some tasty delights with its rustic breads, pucce and almond paste. A special kitchen – the Focacceria – continually produced pizza and bread of all kinds throughout the day. All of the products that were created were offered for tasting and purchase and it was all for a good cause, thanks to the Pool Pack company – the main sponsor of the event – which took control of packaging and presenting the products in an attractive manner. Additionally, every day, some of the artwork on display went up for auction in the art gallery set up by members of the Club. The proceeds of this event will all be donated to “Associazione Bambino Emopatico”, a non-profit organization that for over thirty years has worked with the departments of pediatric onco-hematology of the Spedali Civili in Brescia and that turns its commitment to support children with leukemia.
Scientific analyses
In order to understand the importance of bread in our daily nutrition, Professor Piergiorgio Pietta, university lecturer and director of research for CNR, held a talk. A presentation from Franco Antoniazzi, university lecturer in Parma, also proved interesting, “What we need to ask the mills” and “New labeling: How it will change from 2014”. However Claudio Bersellini, industry director for Lesaffre Italia and Thomas Lesaffre, director general spoke about the “Production of Yeast”. Giambattista Montanari, Corman Professional demonstrator, however, showed “The role of different types of butter in baked products”. Finally, the speech of Filippo Scarponi, first Coach Trainer for Impresa Alimentare, was most captivating.
Excellent guests
This top event was a real success and this is due to how wonderfully it was run by members of the Club, who united by a fantastic team spirit have earned themselves great appreciation. The association is keen to give “A special thanks to Alex Revelli and Susanna Cutini who knew how to constantly capture the attention of the public, thanks for their kindness and a thank you to Simone Pieragostini, who once again has been a great speaker at the Club events”. Among the excellent guests was Marc Le Dorse – a famous French baker– who took part by holding art, bread and vienoiserie demonstrations. Also present was Mof Jean Claude Choquet. Within the area organized by the Richemont Club was the noteworthy presence of the Istituto Nazionale Assaggiatori Pani (National Institute of Bead Tasters) which – made up of bread experts – is committed to promoting the “sense of bread”. The INAP presented its method: “knowledge of taste”, a way of bringing consumers closer to artisan bread makers. During the fair, the Richemont Club wanted to gift some reproductions of a fragment of wall decoration from Pompeii depicting “The sharing of the bread” as a sign of gratitude to the Minister for Economic Development, Flavio Zanonato, to the president of the Rimini Fiera, Lorenzo Cagnoni and to the company Pool Pack for their valued participation and for generally always being there. “A very warm thank you,” concludes the representatives of the Club, “goes to all the companies who worked together and supported us, thanks go in particular to Chocovic and Giuso, who have always supported us. A special thanks also goes to the efficient organization of Rimini Fiera and to the generous contribution of Pool Pack, Corman Professional, Lesaffre and Molino Grassi».